We are Seven Question Answer Class 7 Lesson 3 | Activity Solution

West Bengal Primary Board We are Seven Question Answer Class 7 Lesson 3 | Activity Solution

We are Seven

Activity 1


Choose the correct answer from the given alternative:


(a) The little girl whom the poet not was –

(i) seven

(ii) eight

(iii) nine years old

Answer - (ii) eight


(b) The girls lost –

(a) two brothers

(b) two sisters

(iii) a brothers and sister.

Answer - (iii) a brothers and sister.


(c) The distances between her house and the burial ground was only –

(i) twelve steps

(ii) ten steps

(iii) six steps .

Answer - (i) twelve steps


Activity 2


Identify which of the following statements are true and which are false. Give a supporting statement for each of your answers:


(a) The little girl was good – looking. (True)

Supporting statement - Because she had beautiful eyes and thick curly hair


(b) Five of her brothers and sisters were dead. (False)

Supporting statement - Two of her brothers and sisters were dead.


(c) The graves were covered with green grass. (True)

Supporting statement - because it can be seen that the graves were green


Activity 3


Poem that rhyme with the given word:


Curl: girl; head said; air fair; clad glad; be me;tell dwell; laid: maid; heaven seven;

Activity 4


(a) Pick out the expressions that describe the appearance of the girl.

Answer - Her hair was thick with many a curl, and she was wildly clad and her eyes were very fair.


(b) With whom did the girl live?

Answer - The girl lived with her mother.


(c) What does the girl say about her living brothers and sisters?

Answer - She said two of her brothers live at Conway and two are gone to sea.


(d) Why does the girl say, “We are seven”?

Answer - Because she doesn’t understand the meaning of death and she cannot differentiate dead from alive, that’s why she counted seven instead of five.

We are Seven Question Answer

Activity 5


Make sentences with followings words:


Dwell (বাস করা): - I and my brother dwell never in one place


Clustered (গুচ্ছবদ্ধ): The students clustered in the middle of the ground.


Rustic (গ্রাম্য): They were wearing rustic costumes for the festival.


Grave (কবর): I saw my grandfather’s grave yesterday.


Maid (দাসী): We had a maid, who was very hard working and honest.


Activity 6


Make sentences with the pairs of Homonyms.


Met (মিলিত) – He met with me in the morning.

Mate (সাথী) - Raghu is my classmate.


Hair (চুল) – Rama’s hair is too curly.

Hare (খরগোশ) – Hare runs very fast.


Wonder (আশ্চর্য) – Hills make me wonder.

Wander (ঘুরে বেড়ান) – Raghu wanders all over India.


Two (দুই) – They are two brothers.

To (প্রতি) – I like to play Hockey.


There (সেখানে) – There is my home.

Their (তাদের) - Their house is big.



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