The Riddle Question Answer Class 7 Lesson 2 | Activity Solution

West Bengal Primary Board The Riddle Question Answer Class 7 Lesson 2 | Activity Solution

The Riddle

Activity 1


Choose the correct answers from the given alternatives:


(a) Emperor Akbar was walking

(i)  In his palace

(ii) In the royal garden

(iii) In the house of Birbal.


(b) Birbal was Akbar's

(i) most trusted and faithful minister

(ii) greedy and unfaithful minister

(iii) rival


(c) The emperor was

(i) happy

(ii) calm

(iii) worried


(d) The fastest thing on earth is

(i) the human mind

(ii) bullock cart

(iii) horse



(e) The neighbor was outwitted by

(i) Akbar

(ii) Birbal

(iii) the neighbour's friend


Activity 2


Identify which of the following statements are true and which are False. Give a supporting statement for each of your answers.


(a) Emperor Akbar was very worried when he was roaming in his garden. [True]

Supporting statement - But the great emperor Akbar did not have peace of mind.


(b) There were no flowers and fruits in the garden of Akbar. [False]

Supporting statement - His garden was lined with trees which produced the tastiest juiciest fruits in the whole kingdom. There were flowers of all shapes and sizes.


(c) Birbal was indifferent to Akbar's troubles. [False]

Supporting statement - O great the powerful king, what is troubling you?


(d) Birbal succeeded in answering Akbar's query. [True]

Supporting statement - He said, ' your majesty, it is the human mind.


(e) The people of Akbar's court admired the wisdom of Birbal. [True]

Supporting statement - people were amazed at the wisdom of Birbal.


Activity 3


What kind of text is this?

It is a - (i) play (ii) essay (iii) story.

 The Riddle Question Answer

Activity 4


Give another title to the story. Give reasons for your answer.


Answer - The other title of the story may be 'Power of human mind'

Because - In this story Birbal proved how fast a human mind could solve a problem.

Activity 5


Complete the sentences meaningfully:


(a) Akbar asked Birbal to solve a riddle that was troubling him.


(b) Most people of the court of Akbar were puzzled as they heard the question, 'What is the fastest thing on this earth.


(c) The neighbor realized that he was outwitted and withdrew his claim immediately.


 (d) Birbal proved that the human mind isthe fastest thing on earth.

Activity 6


 Fill in the chart with information from the text: 




1. Emperor Akbar couldn't find the answer to a riddle         


Akbar was trouble.

2. Emperor Akbar asked Birbal to solve a riddle.

Birbal solved and proved that it was the human mind.

3. The neighbour has sold the well only, not the water in it.

The neighbor wanted to change money for drawing water from the well.

Activity 7


Answer the following questions:


(a) What were the things that the great Emperor Akbar loved?

Answer -The great emperor Akbar loved arts, science, literature, and music.


(b) Why did Akbar not have peace of mind?

Answer - Akbar did not have peace of mind because he couldn't find the answer to a riddle.


(c) What was the problem presented by the man from the audience?

Answer - The man presented the problem that he bought a well from a neighbour but when he wanted to draw water, he charged money for it.


(d) How did Birbal solve the problem?

Answer -Birbal proposed the buyer ask to rent from the seller to keep water in his well. Then the seller realized his mistake and withdrew his claim. Thus Birbal solved the problem.

Activity 8


Identify the words from the text which are the synonyms of the following words:


(a) Confused (বিভ্রান্ত): puzzled

(b) Demand (দাবি): claim

(c) Argument (যুক্তি): dispute

(d) Surprised (বিস্মিত): amazed

The Riddle Question Answer

Activity 9


Complete the following sentences with the proper degree of adjectives:


(a) Shiela has the longest hair in the class.

(b) Mr Ghosal is busier than Mr Patnaik.

(c) We should be more careful in our speech.

(d) Shenawaz is as thin as Pralay.

(e) The owl is considered as the wisest of all.

(f) His house is farther away from my house than Sanjeev's.

Activity 10


Fill in the blanks with either Present Continuous Tense or Past Continuous Tense:


(a) It is raining now.

(b) Dr Manmohan Singh is visiting Kolkata today.

(c) Hari was studying at 9pm yesterday.

(d) The boys are playing in the field now.

(e) Rahim was talking to his friend when his mother called him.

Activity 11


Suppose your friend asks you to solve a riddle and you don't know the answer to it. Write a dialogue in about 75 words based on the conversation that you had with your friend.


Sunil: Hello Rohit! What's going on?


You: Nothing serious. Just having a crack at this crossword.


Sunil: Good to see that you like puzzles. Well, here's a riddle for you.

You: What's the riddle?


Sunil: Well tell me the answer to the riddle--"I have a lot of wheels, but I cannot move."Say what I am."


You: It is really puzzling me. What can have a lot of wheels? Oh! Now I remember -- a train. But it can move...


Sunil: Think more. You can easily solve it.


You: What they think maybe. Tell me.


Sunil: You are giving up so quickly then.


You: It is impossible to me.


Sunil: The answer is car parking.


You: Oh, how easy! I should answer it.


Sunil: But you cannot. You have defeated.

Activity 12


Try to write a story that you may have heard before using the following points (in about 80 words):


A crow--finds meat---flies to a tree---a clever fox---sees-- says to crow---sing--crow sings---meat falls---fox takes-- crow sad----flies away.


Once, a crow was flying for a long time. He becomes hungry because it failed to get any food after searching for a long time. Suddenly the crow found a butcher's shop. In the absence of a shopkeeper, the crow stole a piece of meat. Then it flew to a tree and sat on a branch to eat the meat. The crow kept the meat in its beak. At that moment a fox was passing under the tree. It saw the crow with the piece of meat. The fox wanted to get the meat from the crow. It then quickly made a plan. The fox began to praise the voice of the crow and said, "How sweet your voice is! Please, sing a song." The crow could not understand the intention of the fox. As soon as it opened its mouth to sing, the piece of meat fell under the tree. The fox took it and left the place. The crow became sad and flew away in its own way.

Moral: Nobody should be emotional in praising



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