Princess September Question Answer Class 8 Lesson 5 | Activity Solution

 West Bengal Board Princess September Question Answer Class 8 Lesson 5 | Activity Solution

Princess September


Activity 1


Tick the correct alternative:


(i) When the little bird hopped into Princess September’s room, she was

(a) clapping her hands

(b) crying alone

(c) sleeping in her bed


(ii) The little bird perched on the

(a) finger of the Princess

(b) branch of the willow tree

(c) window


(iii) The sisters of Princess September

(a) loved her

(b) were envious of her

(c) hated her


(iv) Princess September was advised to

(a) let the bird go free

(b) hand the bird over to her sisters

(c) put the bird in a cage


Activity 2


Rearrange the following sentences in the correct order and put the numbers in the given boxes:


(1) All the sisters came together to advise Princess September. [4] 


(2) Princess September was crying alone in her room.  [1]


(3) A little bird hopped on to the end of the Princess’s bed.  [2]


(4) Princess September feared that the bird might forget her.  [6]


(5) The bird sang a beautiful song.  [3]


(6) The Princess was advised to put the bird into a cage.  [5]


Activity 3

Answer the following question:


How do you think Princess September spent her days when the bird was away?


Answer - When the bird was away, Princess September spent her days apprehensively. Princess September thought about the birds and became doubtful whether the bird would ever return to her or not.

 Princess September Question Answer

Activity 4


Complete the following sentences with information from the text:

(a) The little bird was surprised when September carried him to the cage and put him in and start the door on him.

(b) At dawn, the little bird wished to be let out from the cage because he wanted to have a good fly while the dew is still wet on the ground.

(c) Princess September told the bird he was better off in the cage because he had a beautiful Golden cage.

(d) The bird told the Princess that it could not sing as he wanted to see the trees and the Lake and the rice growing in the fields.


Activity 5


Answer the following questions:


(a) ‘So he suspected nothing’. Who is ‘he’?  Why did he not suspect anything?

Answer - The word “he” refers to the little bird. He did not suspect anything because the bird was quite used to Princess September’s holding him like this.


(b) Why did the little bird stop in the middle of his song?

Answer - The little bird stopped in the middle of his song because he felt upset as  he did not like the bondage in the cage .


(c) How did he try to free himself from the cage?

Answer - The little bird tried to slip through the bars of the cage, but he beat against the door of the cage and he could not open it.


Activity 6


Write ‘T’ for true and ‘F’ for false statements in the given boxes. Give supporting statements for each of your answers:


a) The little bird was happy to see the rice fields and the lake from within the cage.  [F]

Supporting Statements - The rice fields and the lake and the willow trees look quite different when you see them through the bars of a cage.


(b) When the bird did not eat a thing, Princess September grew anxious.  [T]

Supporting Statements - The Princess was anxious.


(c) The next morning Princess found the bird hopping around the cage.  [F]

Supporting Statements - She gave a startled cry, for there the little bird lay with his eyes closed, and he looked as if he were dead.


(d) The bird was granted freedom.  [T]

Supporting Statements - “Then take your freedom” , the Princess said.


Activity 7


Answer the following questions:


(a) How did Princess September try to make the little bird happy?

Answer - Princess September tried to make the little bird happy by taking it to the lake round which grew the willow trees and standing at the edge of the rice- field that stretched as far as the eye could see.


(b) Why did the Princess give “a sob of relief”?

Answer - The Princess gave “a sob of relief” , when she felt that the little bird’s heart was beating still.


(c) Why was the little bird granted freedom by the Princess?

Answer - The little bird was granted freedom by the Princess because she understood that the confinement would kill the little bird.


(d) “Then he opened his wings and flew right away into the blue.” Would the little bird return to the Princess again? Give reasons for your answer.

Answer - I think the little bird would return to the Princess again because the little bird told the Princess that he loved and would sing her the loveliest song he knew as he would never forget her.

Princess September Question Answer

Activity 8 (a)


In the following sentences underline the groups of words that do not have a subject or a predicate and do not have a finite verb and do not make complete sense.


(i) Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall .

(ii) The sun rises in the East .

(iii) The farmer lived in a house made of straw .


The groups of words that you have underlined do not have a subject and a predicate. They do not have a finite verb and is incomplete in sense.

Such group of words is called a Phrase.


Activity 8 (b)


In the following sentences, underline the groups of words that do the work of an adjective.

(i)He was a man full of hope.

(ii)A necklace of great value was stolen.

(iii)This is a table made of wood. 


The groups of Words that does the work of an adjective and which does not have subject object or any finite verb or it does not make any complete sense is called Adjective Phrase.


Activity 8 (c)

In the following sentences underlined the group of words that do the work of an adverb.


(i)The bird stood in the corner of the cage. 

(ii)He spoke in a confident manner.

(iii)It's raining at this moment.


The groups of Words that does the work of an adverb and which does not have subject, object or any finite verb or it does not make any complete sense is called Adverb Phrase.

Activity 8 (d)

In the following sentences underlined the groups of words that do the work of a noun.


(i)Travelling by train gives me great pleasure.

(ii)The child refused to answer my question.

(iii)He wanted to go home. 


The groups of Words which itself is a subject or object of a sentence and which do not have subject, object or any finite verb or it does not make any complete sense is called Noun Phrase.

Princess September Question Answer


Activity 8 (e)


In the following sentences underlined and identify the phrases.


 (i) The wind blew with great speed. [Adverbial Phrase]    


(ii) The King wore a crown made of diamond. [Adjective Phrase]


(iii) The little girl did not know what to do. [Noun Phrase]


(iv) She is a lady of great patience.  [Adjective Phrase]


[The above phrases qualify the words in RED colour in sentences.]


Activity 8 (f)


In the following sentences, underlined groups of words that have a subject and a predicate and form parts of the main sentences and have finite Verbs.


i)He was surprised when she carried into the cage.

ii)He drew a picture which was very beautiful.

iii)He did not go to school as I was unwell.

iv)Indian cricket team is confident that it will win the match.


Activity 8 (g)


In the following sentences underlined the main parts after sentences that are independent and circle the clauses that depend on the main parts. 


(i) Although he was unwell, he went out.

(ii) He is a king who is very powerful.

(iii) Rani said that he had met my brother.

(iv) When she was hungry, the baby cried out.

Activity 9


Replace the underlined words with their antonyms.


(a) The boy wrote a differentstory.

Answer – The boy wrote a same story.


(b) The mother placed the child gentlyon the bed.

Answer - The mother placed the child rudely on the bed.


(c) On hearing the news he felt very uneasy.

Answer - On hearing the news he felt very easy.


(d) The gate was opened by the porter. 

Answer - The gate was closed by the Porter.

 Princess September Question Answer

Activity 10(a)


 Suppose you are a member of an organization that works for prevention of cruelty to animals. You come across a monkey in chains being made to perform tricks. You watch it for some time till it suddenly starts talking to you of its sorrow.


Now write an imaginary conversation which takes place between you and the monkey longing for its freedom.

Me: hello monkey what's your name?

Monkey: hello, my name is cheeku.

Me: why are you looking very upset?

Monkey: I was brought in this zoo recently perform many tricks and make humans happy, everything here goes according to how the humans want. I don’t have any rights

Me: I can take you out from here. I will plan something

Monkey: Thank you. This means a lot. You are the first one to help me.


Activity 10(b)


Suppose you have to obey the orders of someone from morning to night. You are not allowed to act according to your own will.


Write a paragraph in about eighty words describing your feelings in this situation.


Answer - I feel like I have become a robot. I feel like I’m stuck. From morning to night I have to order to the orders of someone else. The life has been changed 360 degrees ever since then. I’m a kind of person who doesn’t take orders without any reason but now this feel like a punishment. Earlier I used to live my life according to my own terms but now even for small things, I have to take someone else’s order. But there is one positive thing that I might develop discipline and become patient.

 Princess September Question Answer



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