Ghosts on the Verandah Question Answer Class 7 Lesson 13 | Activity Solution

 West Bengal Board Ghosts on the Verandah Question Answer Class 7 Lesson 13 | Activity Solution

Ghosts on the Verandah


Activity 1

Fill in the following table with information from the text:





(a) The author went  to stay at Anil’s house


The author had been invited to sttay at Anil’s house


(b) Anil’s mother told them ghost stories

Anil’s mother’s memory was stored with stories of spirits


(c) The boy in the classroom could stretch his hands four yards


He was a Jinn


(d) Anil wished to be a Jinn

To get advantage especially for volleyball



Activity 2


(a) What attracts a Jinn?

Answer - Jinns are attracted by long hair and pretty black eyes.


(b)  List the activities of an annoyed Munjia

Answer - When a Munjia is annoyed, he rushes out from his tree and upsets tongas, bullock-carts and cycles and even a bus.


(c) Why must one be careful while yawning under a peepul tree at night?

Answer - The Munjia will jump down one’s throat and completely ruin one’s digestion!


(d) How did the boy in the class show that he was a Jinn?

Answer - The boy merely stretched out his hand, took the book from the cupboard, and handed it to the teacher.

Ghosts on the Verandah Question Answer

Activity 3


 Fill in the blanks by choosing appropriate words from the box given below. You may need to change the form of the words:


[incredible, fetches, cupboard, agility]


(a) Since she is a gymnast, she has great agility

(b) Tuhin fetches a bucket of water.

(c) Your story is incredible.

(d) The utensils are kept inside a cupboard.


 Activity 4

Complete the following comparisons by correctly choosing the word from the box given below:

[cold, hot, black, proud, brave, green, heavy, gentle, firm, busy]


(a) as black as coal


(b) as brave as a lion


(c) as busy as a bee


(d) as gentle as a lanb


(e) as proud as a peacock


(f) as green as grass


(g) as firm as a rock


(h) as heavy as lead


(i) as cold as ice


(j) as hot as fire


Activity 5


Rewrite the following sentences using the adverbs given in brackets in the appropriate place:


(a) This exercise is easy. (Too)

Answer - This exercise is too easy.


(b) The train is fast. (Fairly)

Answer - The train is fairly fast.


(c) The bottle is full. (Quite)

Answer - The bottle is quite full.


(d) We won the match. (Nearly)

Answer - We nearly won the match.


(e) We are late, let us hurry. (Rather)

Answer - We are late, let us rather hurry.


 (f) She has come in. (just)

Answer - She has just come in.


 (g) He makes a mistake. (Never)

Answer - He never makes a mistake.


(h) I get up early in the morning. (Always)

Answer - I always get up early in the morning.


(i) I am sorry. (very)

Answer - I am very sorry.


(j) He was intelligent to solve the problem. (enough)

Answer - He was enough intelligent to solve the problem.


 Activity 6


Complete the following sentences with information from the text:


(a) Anil’s mother thought that seeing a snake is good luck.


(b) Kamal and the author did not want to go their room because Anil’s grandmother’s spirit paid the family a visit. 


(c) When Anil’s mother saw the boys rushing about, she cried and said that their bed had also gone.


(d) Kamal sang softly because he wanted to raise their spirit.


Activity 7


Answer the following sentences:-


(a) Why did Anil and Mulia appear “pale and anxious”?

Answer - They got frightened themselves as a result of Anil’s mother’s stories.


(b) What did Anil’s mother think when she saw the room empty?

Answer - Anil’s mother thought that their bed had also gone and cried out.


(c) What was the effect of Kamal’s singing on the author?

Answer - This only made the atmosphere more eerie.


(d) Do you think Anil’s mother believed in ghosts? Give a reason for your answer?

Answer - Yes, Anil’s mother believed in ghosts. Anil’s mother took the pajamas as ghosts and gave a scream and collapsed on a cot.


 Activity 8


Fill in the blanks with suitable modals:


(a) I can speak English.

(b) We eat so that we can live.

(c) You must go now.

(d)  May you have luck.

(e) We will be rewarded.

(f) I will not surrender.

(g) You must be able to do it in no time.

(h) We should help the poor.

(i) I should never tell lies.

(j) Tomorrow we will have a holiday.


Activity 9


Fill in the blanks with the correct tense of the verb given in brackets:


(a) She ran so fast that I could (can) not overtake her.

(b) I thought I saw (see) you yesterday.

(c) He helps his neighbours more than he helps(help) his family.

(d)  When I saw her, I spoke(speak) to her.

(e) The more he learned, the more he wanted (want) to learn.

(f) There was a rumour that he died (die) in the accident.

(g) We thought that she would (will) succeed.

(h) I shall nurse her that she may (may) recover.

(i) I left the place as soon as I heard (hear) the news.

(j) Honesty is (be) the best policy.


 Activity 10


Fill in the blanks by choosing the correct verb given in brackets:


(a) All that glitters are (is/are) not gold.


(b) The great poet and novelist is (is/are) dead.


(c) Each of the boys was (was/were) given a prize.


(d)  Salim as well as his friend is (is/are) honest.


(e) Time and tide waits (wait/waits) for none.


(f) Neither of the girls has (has/have) brought her book.


(g) None but the brave deserve(deserve/deserves) the fair.


(h) Three-forths of the meal was(was/were)neaten.


(ii) Eiyher you or he has (has/have) done it.


(j) Slow and steady wins (win/wins) the race.

Ghosts on the Verandah Question Answer

Activity 11


Fill in the gaps in the following table with appropriate forms of adjectives:


































more beautiful

most beautiful





more intelligent

most intelligent


more serious

most serious






















   Ghosts on the Verandah Question Answer

Activity 12


Pick out the adjectives from the following sentences and write their degree:


1. Which is the best book?

Answer - Best -- Superlative degree


2. December is colder than other months.

Answer - Colder -- Comparative degree


3. He is my eldest brother.

Answer - eldest -- Superlative degree


4. Nothing moves as fast as light.

Answer - Fast -- Positive degree


5. Success is sweeter than failure.

Answer - Sweeter -- Comparative degree    


Activity 13


Write a story in which you and your two friends are forced to spend a night in an old, desolate building far away from home.


We were driving back to Surat from Jaipur, I was with two of my friends. It was close to 8:30 PM and we seemed to be hopelessly lost as there was nothing on either side of the road. Just miles and miles of empty, dry land.


The car’s headlights had not picked anything at all for several miles. Turning back was not an option as we had driven close to 60 miles and the fuel gauge also did not present a happy picture. Just ahead of us we would see a huge building. As we neared it, it appeared dilapidated and desolate. Windows hung from their hinges and complete door frames were missing. However, we decided to stay there and wait for it to be daylight. We soon realized that we were not the only inhabitants, jackals howled from the several other empty rooms and their cries echoed throughout the building. Bats swished past. We decided to hold our grounds since there were three of us. But none of us slept. The sounds kept us awake – and each one of us was scared, though we did not admit it.


We were all thankful to see the dull grey light that broke the dark eastern sky at 4:45 AM. At about 5:30 AM like a Godsend angel, we saw the twin headlights of an approaching automobile and we knew our wait was over.

 Ghosts on the Verandah Question Answer

Activity 14


Write a paragraph on a magic show. Use the following points:


[Place - the atmosphere - dress of the magician - tricks that he performed-how you liked the show - did you feel interested in performing magic by yourself - conclusion.]



       I am fond of watching magic shows live. Last month a magic show was arranged on our school grounds. The show started after Tiffin. All the students were eagerly waiting for the show sitting in front of the stage. After a few minutes, a magician appeared on the stage. His dress was like a prince's. At first, the magician showed some tricks with cards, glass, ropes, etc. Then he made the girl floating in the air. Then he cut the girl into two with a sharp sword. I was thrilled and felt happy to watch the magic tricks. My father taught me some magic tricks with cards and ropes. I would like to learn more magic tricks when I grow up.



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