Sisters Question Answer Class 4 Lesson 8 | Activity Solution

Sisters (Lesson 8) Class 4 All Question Answer | Activity Solutions | West Bengal Board


Sisters Activity 1


Tick the correct answers:


(a) Ruma and her mother were sitting on the (i) chair (ii) cot (iii) floor mat

(b) The hair of Ruma's mother is (i) long (ii) short (iii) grey

(c) Bikash has been gone for (i) five (ii) six (iii) seven months

(d) Bikash had gone to attend a (i) language learning course (ii) computer course (iii) dance class


Sisters Activity 2


Why do you think Bikash had gone to attend a language learning course? Discuss with your partner.


I think Bikash I had gone to attend a language learning course (particularly English language) because he understood that English Language was a very important subject to know. Without learning English Language none could do any kind of official work in India or in Bengal at present.


Sisters Activity 3


Write 'T' for true and Ft for false statements in the given boxes:


(a) Bikash entered carrying one parcel [F]


(b) Bikash has become a postal service employee. [T]


(c) Bikash was benefited by the language learning course. [T]


(d) Mother took the parcels from her son. [F]


Sisters Activity 4


Match column A with column B:



(i) Bikash  holds Ruma's hand   

(a) is done in English (iii)


(ii) the great news was that

(b) Sarees and sweets  for Ruma and mother (iv)


(iii) in Bengal a lot of office work        

(c) and approaches their mother (i)


(iv) Bikash brought  

(d) Bikash was  a  postal service employee (ii)



Sisters Activity 5


Who/ what


(i) The family                       

(a) Sid down on the floor mat

(i) Every Bengali people    

(b) Keen to learn English

(iii) Bengali language         

(c) Leaves in people’s heart

(iv) English language       

(d) Points to the family on the floor mat.


Sisters Activity 6


Answer the following questions:


(a) Who are the two sisters? (দুই বোন কারা?)

Answer - “Bengali language” and “English language” are the two sisters.


(b) Why was ‘Bengali Language' worried? ('বাংলা ভাষা' কেন চিন্তিত ছিল?)

Answer - “Bengali language” was worried because everyone in Bengal was now keen to learn English.


(c) How is the 'English Language' useful? ('ইংরেজি ভাষা' কীভাবে উপযোগী?)

Answer - “English language’ links the different regions together and she is also needed for her usefulness.


(d) What did the two sisters' do in the end? (শেষ পর্যন্ত দুই বোন কী করেছিল?)

Answer - The two “sisters” hold their hands and remain together at the end.


Sisters Activity 7 (a)


In the following sentences underline the words which show the relations between any two Nouns or between a Noun and a Pronoun:


(i) I was greatly benefitted by the English class.

(ii) But you live in the hearts of your people.


Sisters Activity 7 (b)


Underline the Prepositions in the following sentences:


(a) I kept the book on the table.

(b) He is inside the room.

(c) She is kind to us.

(d) We participate in different events on the Sports Day.


Sisters Activity 8 (a)


Arrange the letters properly to form meaningful words. You will find the words in the text:

(a) SIMS

































Sisters Activity 8 (b)


Make sentences with the words opposite in meaning to the following words:


Day > opposite > Night - He sleeps during the day and works at night.

After > opposite > before - He left just before sunrise.

Open > opposite > Close - She was so close to achieving her goal.

Happy > opposite > sad - We all felt sad about his death.


Sisters Activity 9(a)


Write five sentences on what you want to be when you grow up: Use the following hints:

Hints: Your aim-reasons for choosing it-its significance in society


1. I want to be a doctor when I grow up.

2. Doctor is a great profession but nowadays we see people polluting it.

3. I will help my patients and treat them nicely.

4. I will gain their respect and love towards me.

5. I will create awareness among people and help them when in need.

6. I will not discriminate and work hard to provide them comfort and ease.



Sisters Activity 9(b)


Write five sentences on the subject you like to study the most. Give reasons for your choice.


1) My favorite subject is mathematics.


2) I love mathematics because it helps us in solving problems through logic.


3) Mathematics helps in counting, addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division very useful in daily life.


5) Mathematics is the easiest subject to learn if you know the tricks and formulas correctly.


4) Mathematics gives us the opportunity to make a great career in the fields of engineering, statistics, and science.


5) Through a number system, a chapter in mathematics, we can solve many reasoning and data related problems verbally.




Revision Lesson


Lesson 1 Why is the Sky so High?

Activity Solution || Bengali Meaning


Lesson 2 A Girl in a Fair

Activity Solution || Bengali Meaning


Lesson 3 Taste of Bengal

Activity Solution || Bengali Meaning


Lesson 4 The Hero

Activity Solution || Bengali Meaning


Lesson 5 Meeting Barre Miya

Activity Solution || Bengali Meaning


Lesson 6 Swadesh

Activity Solution || Bengali Meaning


Lesson 7 A Dream Journey

Activity Solution || Bengali Meaning


Lesson 8 Sisters

 || Bengali Meaning


Lesson 9 A Profile in Kindness

Activity Solution || Bengali Meaning


Lesson 10 Santiniketan

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