Class 4 Shekhar Setu 'Preposition' page 26 and 27 | ক্লাস 4 শেখর সেতু 'অব্যয়' পৃষ্ঠা 26 এবং 27 |

 Class 4 Shekhar Setu 'Preposition' page 26 and 27 | ক্লাস 4 শেখর সেতু 'অব্যয়' পৃষ্ঠা 26 এবং 27 | WBBSE



Expected learning outcome:

Learners will be able to identify and use prepositions contextually.


Look at the following sentences:

1. Sameer is in the garden.

2. He is sitting on a bench.

3. He is waiting for his friend Praneel.

4. Praneel comes at 40'clock in the afternoon

5. He sits beside Sameer.

6. There is a pond at the corner of the garden.

7. Afrog jumps into the pond.

8. The two friends go towards the pond.

9 A bird flies over their head.

10. They sit under a big banyan tree.


In all of these sentences the underlined words show relation between two nouns or a noun and pronoun.


In sentence 1, 'Sameer' and 'garden' are both nouns. The word 'in' shows relationship between them.

In sentence 2, the word 'on' shows relationship between he' (pronoun) and 'bench' (noun).

In sentence 3, the word for', shows relationship between 'he' (pronoun) and Praneel' (noun).

In sentence 4, the word 'at', shows relationship between 'Praneel' (noun) and 'afternoon' (noun).

In sentence 5, the word 'beside' shows relationship between he'(pronoun) and Praneel' (noun).

In sentence 6, the word 'at' shows relationship between two nouns 'pond' and 'garden'.

In sentence 7, the word 'into' shows relationship between two nouns frog', and 'pond'.

In sentence 8, the word 'towards' shows relationship betwecen two nouns friends' and 'pond'.

In sentence 9, the word 'over' shows relationship between two nouns 'bird' and 'head'.

In sentence 10, the word 'under' relationship between "they (pronoun) and banyan tree' (noun).


All the words in bold letters are called Prepositions.

The words that show relationship of a noun with other noun or pronoun are called Prepositions.

A Preposition is placed before a noun or a pronoun.


Things at a glance:







1. on


(i) for specific date

(ii) to show position


(i) You met her on Friday.

(ii) I sat on the mat.


2. in

(i) before month

(ii) before year

(iii) To show something is enclosed.


(i) I was born in April. (ii) My brother was born in 2012.

(iii) The ball is in the box.


3. at


(i) before specific time

(ii) for a particular spot


(i) You get up at 7 a.m.

i) She came at night.

(ii) He is at the door.

4. into


(i)shows movement towards interior


(i) A butterfly came into my room.

5. over


(i) to indicate something is above another thing

(i) He jumps over the fence.


6. beside

(i) next to


(i)Ripon sits beside me.


7. to


(i)to show direction


(i)I go to school.





Identify prepositions from the following passage:

Once two friends went on a trip. In the evening, they were returning home. The sun came down. They lost their way. They entered a dense forest. Suddenly, they saw a bear coming towards them. One friend climbed up a nearby tree.


ANSWER: Prepositions are on, down, towards, up




Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions:

1. Keep your pens ON the drawer.

2 The lake is BESIDE the road.

3. The movie starts AT 7p.m.

4. There is a clock IN the wall.

5. The balloon is flying OVER the tree.

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