The Wind Cap Question Answer Class 8 Lesson 1 | Activity Solution

 West Bengal Board The Wind Cap Question Answer Class 8 Lesson 1 | Activity Solution

The Wind Cap

Activity 1


Tick the correct alternative:


(i) The lad had wanted to be a

(a) doctor

(b) sportsman

(c) sailor (Answer)


(ii) Mother told the lad that he knew the smell of the

(a) soil (Answer)

(b) food

(c) flower.


(iii) Jon put the turtle on his

(a) back

(b) head (Answer)

(c) hand.


(iv) The fairy man wanted to know Jon’s

(a) age

(b) name

(c) heart’s desire (Answer)

Activity 2


Rearrange the following sentences in the correct order and put the numbers in the given boxes:


(1) Jon met the tiny green turtle. [2]

(2) Mother said Jon was a farmer’s son. [1]

(3) The turtle changed to the tiny green fairy man. [4]

(4) Jon plucked the turtle from his head. [3]

(5) Jon did not express his wish. [6]

(6) Jon bowed back. [5]

Activity 3


Answer the following questions


Question - Why do you think you thought that the turtle would be safe on his head?

Answer - John saw the turtle while plugging then he thought that the turtle would be safe on his head because of that turtle might have been run over if he put it on some other places.

The Wind Cap Question Answer

Activity 4


Complete the following sentences with information from the text:


(a) The cap that sailors most desire is a cap full of wind.


(b) Seeing a ship anchored near the shore John requested the captain to let him sail with them.


(c) By twisting the cap, Jon could summon the east wind and the west wind.


(d) Jon desired to see the land because he had not set foot on land for a year and a day.


Activity 5


Answer the following questions:


(a) Why did the fairy man offer Jon the wind-cap?

Answer - Because Jon put the fairy man on his head to keep him safe.


(b) What was the condition that was associated with the wind cap?

Answer - No human hand would ever be able to take the wind cap off Jon’s head.


(c) Why did Jon become popular with the sailors?

Answer - Jon could supply the wind that sailors called for.


Activity 6


Write ‘T’ for true and ‘F’ for false statements in the given boxes. Give supporting statements for each of your answers:

(a) Jon never dreamt about the land. [F]

Supporting Statement -Jon could not stop dreaming of the land.


(b) The squall was called up because Jon was sleeping. [T]

Supporting Statement -It called up a squall from the clear sky that hit the ship without a warning.


(c) The captain was angry with Jon. [T]

Supporting Statement -In anger, he grabbed him by the tail of his striped cap twisted him thrice and flung him out to the sea.


(d) Jon did not return the wind-cap to the fairy man. [F]

Supporting Statement -He placed the wind cap under a stone where he knew the fairy man would find it.

Activity 7


Answer the following questions:


(a) Why did the sailors try to rip off the cap from Jon’s head?

Answer - The wind was destroying the boat. And the sailors thought that Jon’s wind cap was totally responsible for all that was happening.


(b) How did Jon divide his time between land and sea?

Answer - Jon spent half of the year on a ship and half on the shore.


(c) Do you think Jon was rightly called Captain Turtle? Give reasons for your answer.

Answer - Yes, I think it is said rightly. Because he was as much at home on the water as he was on the land.


(d) Why did Jon want to return the wind cap to the fairy man?

Answer - Because Jon was blamed for the storm and was thrown into the sea and was also blamed that all the destruction happened only for the wind cap.

The Wind Cap Question Answer

Activity 8 (a)


Underline the verbs in the following sentences that suggest actions that began in the past and are still continuing:


(i) They have been travelling for ten hours.


(ii) He thanked me for what I have been doing.


(iii) The baby has been sleeping all day.


This kind of tense is called Present Perfect Continuous Tense.

Activity 8 (b)


Underline the verbs in the following sentences which suggest actions that began before a certain point in the past and continued up to that time:


(i) They had been playing in the field for an hour before mother called them.


(ii) When I visited my uncle, he had been teachingin a school there for five years.


(iii) Rita had been studying in our school for the last eight years since I met her.

This kind of tense is called Past Perfect Continuous Tense.


Activity 8 (c)


Fill in the blanks with either the Present Perfect Continuous or Past Perfect Continuous Tense:


(i) The rain had been pouring when I left home. (Pour)


(ii) The engineers have been building the bridge for the past few months. (Build)


(iii) The performers have been singing since evening. (Sing)


(iv) At that time, Mr. Roy. had been writingpoems for one month. (Write)

The Wind Cap Question Answer

Activity 9


Replace the underlined words with their antonyms:


(a) Jon had always obeyed his mother.

Answer - Jon had always disobeyedhis mother.


(b) Jon began his first ever sea voyage.

Answer - Jon finishedhis first ever sea voyage.


(c) He became very popular with the sailors.

Answer - He became very unpopularwith the sailors.


(d) In Jon’s dream the seasons turned rapidly.

Answer - In Jon’s dream the seasons turned slowly.


Activity 10 (a)


Imagine you are out on the open sea in a boat with waves rising all around you. Would you feel scared or excited?

Write a paragraph in about eighty words describing your experience of the sea voyage.


Experience of the sea voyage


It was a splendid day. I was with my family amidst the ocean with a boatman. who might take me to the Havel' 5 Island the waves were surrounding us so far I could see was light blue ocean water which was complimenting the sky above.

The waves were rising surrounding me. So far my eyes could see it was blue, dark blue ocean water which got blended with light blue sky overhead. Ocean gulls were crying in the sky and a delicate breeze was blowing. It was so energizing. Just when the vessel shook 1n waves I was feeling terrified. 'This was my experience of ocean voyage amid my extraordinary voyage through the Andaman and Nicobar Islands.


Activity 10 (b)


Suppose you had wished to perform on stage for a long time. On the occasion of your school's annual function, you finally got a chance to do so. Write a letter to your friend describing how you felt when your wish was fulfilled.




Your Addresses

Feb. 12, 2019

 Dear XYZ, (Your Friend’s Name)


I can barely wait to impart to you my sentiments when last Saturday I had at long last possessed the capacity to perform in front of an audience. You know to what extent I have been sitting tight for the day. I was chosen to V recount a Tagore lyric (Prashna) upon the arrival of the yearly capacity of the school. My name was reported. I got on the stage and remained before the mouthpiece. My heart was beating as I took a gander at the zits sitting in columns before me. Be that as it may, as I began presenting the ballad the lobby ended up quiet and when I completed I could hear the wild clappings. I felt a sort of satisfaction I have never felt. As I am composing I can review that minute once more. I felt a kind of pleasure I have never felt before. I just wish you had been there on that day. Kindly keep in touch with me soon.


Your friend,

(Your Name)

(Your Friend’s Addresses)

The Wind Cap Question Answer



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