The Snail Question Answer Class 10 Lesson 8 | Activity Solution

West Bengal Board The Snail Question Answer Class 10 Lesson 8 | Activity Solution

The Snail

Comprehension Exercises


1. Choose the correct alternative to complete the following sentences:


(a) With the slightest touch, the snail shrinks into its house with

(i) displeasure

(ii) pleasure

(iii) pain

(iv) surprise


(b) In its house, the snail lives with

(i) parents

(ii) friends

(iii) relatives

(iv) no one


2. State whether the following statements are true or false. Provide sentences/ phrases/ words in support of your answer:


(a) The snail fears to fall from the wall.  [False]

Supporting Statement:the snail sticks close, nor fears to fall


(b) The snail comes out of his house during a storm.  [False]

Supporting Statement:when danger imminent betides of storm


3. Answer the following questions:


(a) What does the snail usually stick it to?

Answer - To grass, or leaf, or fruit, or wall.


(b) What makes the snail well-satisfied?

Answer - He dwells alone without any personal belongings.

The Snail Question Answer

Grammar in Use


4. Change the following sentences into questions, as directed:


(a) Siraj always rises early. (Interrogative sentence using ‘does’)

Answer - Does not Siraj always rise early?


(b) Joyce is the best singer in the class. (Information question using ‘who’)

Answer - Who is the best singer in the class?


(c) He saw the rainbow. (Interrogative sentence using ‘did’)

Answer - Did he not see the rainbow?


(d) I go to school by bus. (Information question using “how’)

Answer - How do you go to school?


Writing Activity


5. Write a letter (within 100 words) to the editor of an English daily about the disturbances caused by the thoughtless use of loudspeakers.



The Editor,

The Statesman,

Kolkata- 700001


Subject: Disturbances caused by the thoughtless use of loudspeakers.


Dear Sir/Madam,

I shall be highly obliged if you kindly publish the following matter in your esteemed daily. I am writing this letter to express my anguish and annoyance over the problem caused by the thoughtless use of loudspeakers. I am a student class ten. Now a day it has become so disturbing to the extent that we no longer concentrate at our study properly. There are thousands of students like me who have to suffer on account of this problem. Besides, there are some old patients and new born babies in every locality who get affected by this noise pollution. So, therefore sir, on behalf of all the students and general people of the city I plead and appeal to concerned authorities to look into the matter and take necessary action to solve this deadly problem.


Yours faithfully,

Rivu Ghosh



Malda 732652

The Snail Question Answer



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