Someone Question Answer Class 8 Lesson 12 | Activity Solution

West Bengal Board Someone Question Answer Class 8 Lesson 12 | Activity Solution


Activity 1


Tick the correct alternative


(i) The door was (a) big (b) small (c) wide

(ii) The poet looked (a) backward and forward (b) up and down (c) to left and right

(iii) The busy beetle was tap-tapping in the (a) wall (b) door(c) window

(iv) The cricket was (a) singing (b) whistling (c) chirping


Activity 2


Complete the following sentences with information from the text.


(a) Someone came knocking at the poet’s wee, small door.

(b) There was no stirring in the still, dark night.

(c) The poet heard the screech-owl’s call from the forest.

(d) The poet did not know at all who came knocking at his door.


Activity 3


Answer the following questions


Question - Who do you think came knocking at the poet’s small door?

Answer - I think someone was knocking at his small door .But with a great sure he opened the door and looked to left and right but No one was there .Only there was a stirring in the still, dark night . Only the insect’s sounds were coming surrounding him. Then after he realized that No one here at all one who came knocking the door


Activity 4


Fill in the following chart with information from the text:



Did What

(i) Someone

Knocked at the poet’s small door.

(ii) Beetle

Tap-tapped on the wall.

(iii) Owl

Screeched from the forest.

(iv) Cricket


Someone Question Answer

 Activity 5


Answer the following questions:


(a) What did the poet do after he heard the knocking on the door?

Answer - The poet listened, opened the door, and looked left and right.


(b) What was the night like?

Answer - The right was still and dark.


(c) Name the insect mentioned in the poem.

Answer - Beetle and cricket are the insects mentioned in the poem.


(d) Why does the poet use the expression ‘at all thrice in the last line of the poem?

Answer - The poet used the expression ‘at all’ thrice in the last line of the poem to suggest that he did not know who came knocking. But the still, dark night gave him a mysterious feeling that there was someone knocking on the door.


Activity 6 (a)


Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the given verbs in brackets:


(i) The Mayor will go to Pune next week. (Go)

(ii) By next December, we will stay here for three years. (Stay)

(iii) Perhaps they will visit Dooars later. (Visit)

(iv) The boy has been watching television since morning. (Watch)

Someone Question Answer

Activity 6 (b)


In the following sentences underline the phrases and state what kind of Phrases they are:


(i) He wanted to speak to his teacher.

Answer - Prepositional phrase


(ii) At this moment it’s raining hard.

Answer - Adverbial phrase


(iii) To do well in the competition is my aim.

Answer - Noun phrase


(iv) They live in a house made of wood.

Answer - Adjective phrase


Activity 6 (c)


In the following sentences underline the Clauses and state what kind of Clauses they are:


(i) The child ran away as soon as she saw the strange man.

Answer - Adverbial clause


 (ii) I saw an old woman who was carrying a child.

Answer - Noun clause


 (iii) The dog follows his master wherever he goes.

Answer - Adverbial clause


 (iv) We all thought that it would not rain today.

Answer - Adverbial clause


Activity 6 (d)


Change the following sentences from Active to Passive Voice:


(i) India won the World Cup in cricket recently.

Answer - The World Cup in cricket recently was won by India.


(ii) The teacher was teaching English.

Answer - English was being taught by the teacher.


(iii) Rani is singing a beautiful song.

Answer - A beautiful song is being sung by Rani.


(iv) The wind blew away the rooftops of the houses.

Answer - The rooftops of the houses were blown away by the wind.

 Someone Question Answer

Activity 7


Make meaningful sentences of your own with the following words:


(i) Wee – She was playing on the pier with a wee brother.

(ii) Stirring – She shook her head, emotions stirring one more.

(iii) Busy – My father is busy getting ready for his trip.

(iv) Dewdrops – Dewdrops were still clinging on the trees.


Activity 8 (a)


Suppose you spent a moonlit night in a forest guest house. Write a paragraph of about eight words on your experience. Mention the sounds that you heard there.


Last month, I with my family had been to Kamala forest. There we stayed at a forest guest house for 4 days. It was a beautiful guest house with all the facilities. On the second day, we spent a moonlight night. Also there was a power-cut. There was a pin drop silence. We could hear the sounds of many animals. It was filled with excitement and also some horror. The first sound that we heard was that of roar of a lion. It was my first time that I heard such sound. Then there were also some monkeys chattering. Then we heard the laughing of hyenas. All those sounds made us feel scared but it was altogether a different experience.


Activity 8 (b)


In about eight words write an autobiography of an owl enjoying the night.


An Autobiography of an Owl


Hello, I’m an owl. . I am even known as a nocturnal bird. In day time, I normally remain out of sight. My Someone Activity starts at night. When you people sleep, I’m awake and I enjoy the most in the nights. In moonlit night I enjoy the interplay of light and shade. When I see a mouse scampering about, I feel happy at the sight of the food. I roam here and there without any fear. The world at night seems so different and I’m lucky to experience the night life. I enjoy the very calmness and serenity of the night because I like to remain far from the noisy crowds. I can go and see how the world looks like at night.



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