Life is action, not contemplation Essay 500 Words | School Exam

Life is action, not contemplation


This is the observation of Goethe, the great German poet and thinker who almost became a proverb. The expression consists of two parts. The first part deals with the need to act in order to succeed in the world. Life is not a bed of roses. On the contrary, it is full of dangers and difficulties, paths and temptations, and man must constantly and hard fight against them. Any negligence in this fight will mess up and ruin everything. Therefore, one must work and work with patience and perseverance. This obligation to act is imposed on man by thinkers of all countries. The Hindu philosophy of Karma Yoga, the attainment of one's purpose in life through karma or action, the biblical injunction that one must earn one's bread by the sweat of one's brow, emphasizes the importance of action. The word "contemplation" is generally used to mean deep and serious thinking. But that is clearly not the sense in which it is used here. Because in that case the whole sentence would mean that deep and sincere thoughts are harmful to a person and should be avoided at all costs.


It is contrary to the face and teachings of all great men. Thought precedes action and it is the duty of every human being to think well and seriously before taking action. And "deep and serious thinking" is itself a form of action. Indeed, it is this "contemplation" that led to the discovery of all the great truths that guide humanity. The word is used here in the sense of vague thoughts, empty dreams, as it were. Therefore, the saying means that instead of wasting time in idle dreams or endless thoughts, we must start working with firm determination if we want to succeed in life. There are men who think too much and cannot decide or find time to act. Such men, no matter how talented, cannot achieve their goals. Shakespeare's Hamlet was a young prince of great intellectual powers; however, he failed to complete his goal of avenging his father's murder, as he kept thinking about the ownership of the move and asking if it was "out of reach".


Therefore, in order to succeed in life, we must first think wisely, and then "act and act" firmly and patiently. Once the goal is set, we must not allow our pursuit to be affected by any suggestion or warning response or any difficulties that may arise along the way. We must remember that overthinking is another name for indecision, and indecision means inaction and stagnation.

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