Land of the Pharaohs Question Answer Class 6 Lesson 5 | Activity Solution

West Bengal Board Land of the Pharaohs Question Answer Class 6 Lesson 5 | Activity Solution

Land of the Pharaohs


Activity 1


Tick the correct alternative


(a) Ishan and his mother went to (Giza / Luxor / Alexandria) to see the pyramids.


(b) A pyramid is a huge (rectangular / cylindrical / triangular) monument.

(c) River (Nile/ Bhagirathi / Volga) flows through Egypt.


(d) The teen emperor of Egypt was (Khufu / Cephran / Tutankhamen ).


Activity 2


Complete the following sentences with information from the text:


(a) The Pharaohs lived in Egypt around five thousands-years ago.


(b) Sphinx is a rock statue with a human head and a lion's body.


(c) Ishan's mum went to fetch sandwitches and water from the car.


(d) The Egyptian priests used to preserve the dead bodies by using spices, chemicals, and oils.


Activity 3


Answer the following question:


Why do you think that at the end of the day Ishan tells his mother that he likes history?

Answer - In Egypt Ishan saw the beautiful Sphinx. There, the Sphinx introduced him to the ancient civilization of Egypt. With this valuable experience, Ishan was very impressed. His childhood curiosity grew when he saw the beautiful pyramid. He was surprised to see the process of mummy. He knows that history tells us about the past. What he saw was history. I think it was out of curiosity that he told his mother that he liked history.

 Land of the Pharaohs Question Answer

Activity 4


Fill in the chart with information from the text:





(a) The Sphinx

is a rock statue with a human head and lion's body.


(b) Ishan

saw the river Nile

standing by the Nile.

(c) Royal person's mummification.

had to go through

before buried.

(d) Howardy Carter

dug Tutenkhamun's tomb

in 1922


Activity 5


Answer the following questions in complete sentences:


(a) Why was Ishan's father unable to attend him to Egypt?

Answer - Ishan's father was unable to attend him to Egypt because The prize that Ishan's mother won in the singing competition allowed the two to travel to Egypt together.


(b) What does the Sphinx represent?

Answer - The Sphinx represents intelligence and strength.


(c) Name the biggest pyramid of Egypt?

Answer - Pharaoh Khufu's pyramid is the largest pyramid of Egypt.


(d) Why was Ishan's mum surprised when she returned to her son?

Answer - Ishan's mum was surprised when she returned to her son because he knew a lot of consciousness about pharaohs and Egyptian history.


Activity 6(a)


Fill in the gaps with appropriate verbs:


(i) The girl is playing alone.

(ii) A carpenters and a blacksmith are in our street.

(iii) The king is very powerful.

(Iv) The sisters and brothers are running in the field.


Activity 6(b)


Fill in the blanks with verbs in agreement with their subjects:


(i) Curry and rice are my favorite fish.

(ii) No news is good news.

(iii) Everyone is present today in the class.

(iv) Neither his father nor his mother isalive.

 Land of the Pharaohs Question Answer

Activity 6(c)


Using the Help Box fill in the blanks with suitable adverbs. The type of adverb you need to use in indicated in the brackets:

[Help Box :  well, bravely, here, soon, early]


(i) The book is well written. (Manner)

(ii) I cannot find my pet dog here. (Place)

(iii) You shall early see a film. (Time)

(iv) The soldiers fought bravely. (Manner)


Activity 7


Make meaningful sentences of your own with the following words:


Monument: - The Taj Mahal is the seventh wonderful monument in the world.


Mummy: - I have seen a mummy in the museum.


Civilization: - Harappa is an ancient civilization.


Spot: - He died on the spot.


Activity 8(a)


Imagine one day you are walking back home from school. Suddenly you notice something which hadn't been there before-a sturdy door in an old familiar building. As you touch the door it slowly opens inviting you to a different world. Write in about sixty words a paragraph on your sudden visit to such a strange place, using the following hints:


Name of the place - description of the place - sights and sounds - what interested you the most - your feelings


I came home from school one evening. As I go home every day, I go home again that day. I saw an old house on the side of the road and got up. I heard a strange noise from the room. This statement made me think. I reached home out of curiosity. As soon as I entered, my body started buzzing in the city. As soon as I entered, I opened the door and touched the door and saw something strange that I was forced to run away. But I had a terrible and strange experience.


Activity 8(b)


Using the information given below, write a paragraph in about sixty words on the river Nile, the longest river of the world:


Name of the river

The Nile




6,650 km

Flows into

The Mediterranean Sea

Why so important to the ancient Egyptians

provided water, food, transportation, excellent soil

Cities near the river

Cairo, Port Said, Alexandria


The river Nile

The Nile River is the longest river in the world. It is the longest river in Africa. The Nile River is the longest river in Egypt. It is about 6650 km long. It flows into the Mediterranean Sea. It is of Egyptian origin. He gave water and food to the Egyptians. Travel assistance. The land on both sides is fertile for crops. Three cities, namely Cairo, Port Said and Alexandria, are close to it. Cairo is the capital of Egypt. People are proud of Neil.


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