Goodbye To The Moon Question Answer Class 6 Lesson 8 | Activity Solution

West Bengal Board Goodbye To The Moon Question Answer Class 6 Lesson 8 | Activity Solution


Goodbye To The Moon



Rearrange the following sentences in the correct order and put the numbers in the given boxes:


(1) Kepler's home, the Moon, appeared very little from the view room. [2]


(2) Kepler Master man was born on the Moon. [4]


(3) He was making his first-ever trip to the earth with his father. [6]


(4) He had heard on planet Earth from his mother. [3]


(5) The governor was surrounded by the media in the middle of the space station. [5]


(6) Kepler's father was the manager of the Moon. [1]




Fill in the gaps with proper words from the help box given below There is one extra word.

[Help Box: expedition, appeared, restless, photographs, crept]


Kepler had seen the photographs of the Earth. He was preparing an expedition to the Earth for the first-time. Kepler felt restlessas he had to wait for the trip to begin. The Moon appearedvery little when he looked out into space.




Answer the following question given below:


Why did the moon come out little to Kepler since the space platform?

Answer - The Moon appeared small to Kepler from the space station because he was looking out into the space from a distant space-craft.

 Goodbye To The Moon Question Answer



Write ‘T’ for true and ‘F’ for false sentences in the given boxes. Give supporting statements for each of your answers:


 (a) The Earth-ferry was three times as large as the Moon-ferry. [T]

Answer - It was three-times as large as our Moon-ferries.


(b) There is hardly some water on the earth. [F]

Answer - I could see that the Earth was covered with water.


(c)  On Moon, oxygen is more easily presented than water. [T]

Answer - On Moon, water was harder to get than oxygen.


(d)  Kepler weighted six-times extra than his usual weight. [T]

Answer - I realized I weighed six times my normal weight.




Answer the following questions in complete sentences:


(a) Whose excited voices did Kepler hear?

Answer - Kepler heard the people's excited voice.


(b) Why was water precious on Moon?

Answer - On the Moon, water was precious because there was hardly any water.


(c) Why was Kepler feeling unwell?

Answer - Kepler was feeling unwell for the weight difference.


(d) What led Kepler’s father to help Kepler when they landed?

Answer - The situation that Kepler struggled to unfasten his safety belt led his father to help him as they landed.


Activity 6


Fill in the following chart with information from the text:




(a) Reporters from the press and TV are waiting for him.

The Governor. went right away-after he was called

(b) Standing was tough and walking was very difficult.

Kepler practiced walking down the aisle.

(c) All the cultural-ties of the Governor were with the Earth

It was a difficult question to answer to the reporters.

(d) Kepler wasn’t wearing a space suit.

It was strange-being outside without space-suit.

 Goodbye To The Moon Question Answer

Activity 7


Answer the following questions in complete sentences:


(a) Who were-waiting for-the Governor-of the Moon?

Answer - Reporters from the Press and TV were waiting for the Governor of the Moon.


(b) How according to Kepler’s father could the length between Earth and Moon people be resolved?

Answer - The difference between Earth and Moon that people could be resolved in a friendly manner..


(c)How is Kepler's father-attached-to the-Moon?

Answer - Kepler's father attached to the Moon as his son was born there, his wife was buried there and his work is there.


(d) Why did Kepler consider that earth-would certainly be fun?

Answer - Kepler felt that earth would certainly be enjoyable being without a space suit.


Activity 8 (a)


Read the following sentences:


(i) What a lovely sight!

(ii) Shut the door.

(iii) May God bless you.

(iv) Do not run in the sun.

(v) How stormy the night is!

(vi) May she live long.


Now fill in the following table correctly:

Sentences expressing advice/ suggestion/order /comment/ request

Don't run in the sun
shut the door

Sentences expressing a wish

May God bless you.
May she live long.

Sentences expressing a sense of shock/strong feeling of happiness or sadness.

What a lovely sight!
How stormy the night is!

Activity 8 (b)


Write what kinds of sentences the following are:


(i) How beautiful is the scene! - Exclamatory Sentence

(ii) May God have mercy. - Optative Sentence

(iii) Obey your teachers. - Imperative Sentence

(iv) Have a safe journey. - Imperative Sentence

(v) Please give me a glass of milk - Imperative Sentence

(vi) Alas! We have lost the match. - Exclamatory Sentence

 Goodbye To The Moon Question Answer

Activity 8 (c)


Fill in the gaps with suitable prepositions:


(i) He ran into the room.

(ii) The bird flew over her head.

(iii) I am walking to the station.

(iv) The cow is in the field.


Activity 9 (a)

Fill in the blanks by correctly choosing words from the Help-Box:

[Help Box:  familiar, empty, magnificent, realized]


(i) The teacher realized my problem.

(ii) It was a magnificent sight.

(iii) Empty vessels make most noise.

(iv) The house looked familiar to me.


Activity 9 (b)


Make meaningful sentences of your own with the following words:


Restless- My brother became restless for fever last night.

Excited- We are very excited to hear the good news.

Precious- Gold is a precious metal.

Friendly- They have a friendly relation.


Activity 10 (a)


Suppose you have-met a tourist from another planet. Write a paragraph in about fifty words on your knowledge.


[Place and period of meeting the visitor - what he looked like - what he-said - how he was dissimilar from you - your feelings.]


Yesterday night, I met a man from another planet. He just came from Mars. The spacesuit man was sharing his experience with me. He traveled to the red planet by a spacecraft called PSLV. There, he saw many things that resembled our planet. Mars has no life, but it is alive. But it has water. There are lines of water on the surface of Mars. I was surprised to hear it.


Activity 10 (b)


Write a short story in sixty words using the hints that follow:


[A sailor-and his-friends - landed on an island – started-cooking – island-shook - the island-actually a huge-sea – creature-in reality - sailor and]


Once upon a time, a sailor and some of his friends were crossing the sea in a boat. After a few weeks, they decided to stay for a while and see a nearby island. They stopped their boat and started cooking their food. Suddenly, the island seemed to shake. After some time, the island began to move. They were horrified to see that the island was actually an ocean. The fire in his kitchen upset the whale. So the sailor and his friends jumped into their boat to save themselves.


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