Building To Remember Question Answer Class 5 Lesson 8 | Activity Solution

West Bengal Primary Board Building To Remember Question Answer Class 5 Lesson 8 | Activity Solution

Building To Remember

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Complete the table with information from the text.


Name of the monument visited

The Bandel church

Location of the monument


Number of  team members

Twenty five

Means of transport


The Mughal Emperor mentions here

Akbar and Shah Jahan

The year the church was built





Find out the word with similar meanings from the text.


(1) Answered – explained

(2) Staring – looking

(3) Told – said

(4) Started – began

(5) Establish – build

(6) Carried on – continued




Fill in the blanks with correct form of the given verbs in the brackets:


(1) Last Sunday, Reba visited (visit/visited) the zoo.

(2) They drink (drink/drank) coffee every day.

(3) Farmers grow (grow/grew) crops in the field.

(4) The boys enjoyed(enjoy/enjoyed) the football match yesterday.

(5) Subir sang (sings/sang) a patriotic song yesterday.

(6) We go (go/went) to school every day by bus.




Answer the following questions:


(1) Where did the bus stop?

Answer - The bus stopped in front of the church.


(2) What were the names of the two friends of Mita?

Answer - The names of the two friends of Mita were Amina and Sunita.


(3) How many Christians were taken to Agra fort?

Answer - A few thousand Christians were taken to Agra fort.


(4) Who were made to stand before the ferocious elephants?

Answer - The priest, father Joan da Cruz and a few thousand Christians were made to stand before the ferocious elephants.


(5) What did the elephant do with Father Joan da Cruz?

Answer - The elephant carried father Joan da Cruz right up to the emperor and knelt before him, as if asked for mercy.


(6) Where was the fort of Shah Jahan located?

Answer - The fort of Shah Jahan located in Agra.

 Building To Remember Question Answer



Make a list of what Mita and her friends saw at the Bandel church.


(1) A huge clock with four faces.

(2) The Prayer Hall.

(3) The Mast.

(4) The Cemetery.

(5) The statue of Mother Mary.

(6) Many wall paintings of Christ.

 Building To Remember Question Answer



Fill in the blanks with proper words from the help box:

[Huge, happy, loud, historical, excited, ferocious]


(1) We have many historicalplaces in our country.

(2) Kaberi was very excited when she saw the museum in Kolkata.

(3) There are many huge buildings in our town.

(4) They were happy when they returned to their home town.

(5) Keep away from the ferociousanimals.

(6) There was a loud noise in the classroom just before the teacher entered.




Suppose you went to a zoo with your parents and saw many interesting things there. Write five sentences to describe your experience.

[Hints: name of the zoo – time of visit – animals and birds seen – eating habits – your experience]


Answer - Last summer I went on a safari in Bengal with my family. It was a very exciting adventure for us. There I saw a tiger, an elephant, a deer, a monkey, a crocodile, a gharail and many other wild animals. I also saw many birds such as blue and yellow macaw, golden pheasant and white parrot. For me it will remain an unforgettable experience.




Revision Lesson

Lesson 1 India: Superpower in Cricket

Lesson 2 A Feat On Feet

Lesson 3 Phulmani’s India

Lesson 4 Memory In Marble

Lesson 5 My School Days

Lesson 6 The Clever Monkey

Lesson 7 The Rebel Poet

Lesson 9 The Bird’s Eye

Lesson 10 A Great Social Reformer

Lesson 11 The Finishing Point

Lesson 12 Beyond Barriers

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