Santiniketan Question Answer Class 4 Lesson 10 | Activity Solution

Santiniketan (Lesson- 10) Class 4 All Question Answer | Activity Solutions | West Bengal Board

Santiniketan Activity- 1


Write 'T' for true and 'F' for false statements in the boxes provided.


(a) A storm was blowing. [F]

(b) Santiniketan is reminded of old days. [T]

(c) The house punoscho stands by a copse of Banyan trees. [F]

(d) Earlies there was only empty land around Santiniketan. [T]


Santiniketan Activity- 2


''But they can talk to one another like human beings''. Discuss with your parents how two houses can speak with each other.


Answer - I live in a village. It is situated near a village. On the way to rivers I always see the two houses situated both side of the road. One day when I was returning from the river. I heard some whispering. I think someone was following me. I stopped there. It was a great fun. It heard the sound of two men. One was 'I was the commander of the Indian Army' and the other told. I was the captain of a ship. Both of them were talking for a long time. I was surprised and returned home immediately. It was a great experience of a strange thing.


Santiniketan Activity- 3


Complete the following sentences with words from the text:

(a) Deholi is now children's school.

(b) Prayer house is made of coloured glass.

(c) Amrakunja is a mango orchard.

(d) Player house had lost five lowers in a storm.  


Santiniketan Activity- 4


Fill in the following table:

Said by whom?


(a) Santiniketan says.

(i) I came up in 1863.

(b) Prayer house says.

(ii) There were no electricity of motor cars then.

(c) Amrakunja says.

(iii) Rabindranath sat among my trees and wrote poems.

(d) Shyamali says.

(iv) There are beautifully carves figures on my walls.


Santiniketan Activity- 5


Arrange the following sentences in their proper order. Put the number in the boxes given:


(a) There is a song and poetry-reading evening at Amraunja. [3]

(b) Santiniketan will remain the same. [5]

(c) Santiniketan is a great centre of education. [4]

(d) A rehearsal for drama takes place at night. [2]

(e) The bell rings at sinhasadan. [1]


Santiniketan Activity- 6


Answer the following questions:

(a) Why are the students sitting in the open air? (ছাত্ররা কেন খোলা হাওয়ায় বসে আছে?)

Answer - The students are sitting in the open air because they can fell the contact of nature.


(b) What will ring for the future generations? (ভবিষ্যৎ প্রজন্মের জন্য কি বাজবে?)

Answer - The bell of singhasadan will ring for the future generation.


(c) How is the courtyard of Punashcho used? (পুনাশ্চের উঠান কিভাবে ব্যবহৃত হয়?)

Answer - The courtyard of Punashcho is used for rehearsal of drama.


(d) What is Santiniketan also famous for? (শান্তিনিকেতন কিসের জন্য বিখ্যাত?)

Answer - Santiniketan is famous for great centre of education.


Santiniketan Activity-7(a)


Fill the blanks with suitable Adverbs given in the Help Box:

Help box:- daily, early, brightly, bravely.


(a) Soldiers fight bravely for their country.

(b) I go to school daily.

(c) We should get up early in the morning.

(d) The sun shines brightly.


Santiniketan Activity-7(b)


Read the following passage. Pink out the Regular and Irregular Verbs and fill in the given table accordingly.

Rakhi got up early in the morning and washed her face. She took her breakfast at 8 a.m. and went to school at 10.a.m. At school she studied hard. During her lunch break, she played with her friends. She came back home at 4p.m.


Regular Verbs

Irregular Verbs

(a) Washed

(i) got

(b) studied

(ii) took

(c) played

(iii) went

(d) came



Santiniketan Activity-7(c)


Fill in the blanks with the Present Continuous Tense of the verbs given in the brackets:

(i) Ravi is reading (read) a book in his room.

(ii) I am larning (learn) to speaks English well.

(iii) The boys are having (have) their lunch.

(iv) The children are listening (listen) to a story.


Santiniketan Activity-8(a)


Fill the blanks with words from the help box:

Help Box:- earthen, soft, empty, remember.


(a) I clearly remember my first day in school.

(b) Earthen pots keep the water cool.

(c) There is an empty land in front of my house. 

(d) Children love to play with soft balls. 


Santiniketan Activity-8(b)


Make sentences of your own using the following words:


Conversation- There was a conversation about math problem between teacher and a student.

Electricity- Electricity is an important part of our life.

Rehearsal- We should take regular rehearsal to stage a drama.

Sunlight- It is a bright sunlight today.


Santiniketan Activity-9(a)


Suppose you went to Santiniketan last weekend with your parents. You saw an open-air classroom there for the first time. Write five sentences about your experience. Use the following hints.

Students sitting under the trees

Closeness to nature

Difference with the classroom you are used to


Last Friday I went to Santiniketan along with my parents. There I first time saw an open-air class room. The students Santiniketan are very close to the nature. In school we study in a room but here it is completely different style of learning. (গত শুক্রবার বাবা-মাসহ শান্তিনিকেতনে গিয়েছিলাম সেখানে আমি প্রথমবারের মতো খোলামেলা ক্লাস রুম দেখলাম শান্তিনিকেতনের শিক্ষার্থীরা প্রকৃতির খুব কাছাকাছি স্কুলে আমরা একটি কক্ষে পড়াশুনা করি কিন্তু এখানে শেখার পদ্ধতি সম্পূর্ণ ভিন্ন)

Santiniketan Activity-9(a)


Who is your best friend? Describe her/him in a paragraph of five sentences. Use the following hints:

name of your best friend

where you met him/her first

why she/he is your bestfriend


(1) My best friend is Rahul ray.

(2) I first meet him in my school.

(3) There he is very good in study.

(4) He is very friendly, kind and co-operative to others.

(5) His nature is very good, so He is my best friend.


  1. Sir Apni akta jinish vhoul korechen activity-9(a) r por activity-9 (b) hoy kintu apni activity-9 (a) korechen.................😊

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